Corvus Corax 20XX is a four-year artistic partnership between the Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium – Odin Teatret, and the Greenland National Theater, where artistic collaboration projects will be develop both, locally and internationally.
Both theaters, during the period 2021 – 2024, and with the support from A.P., The Møller Foundation, the Augustinus Foundation and the Færch Foundation, will initiate a large number of inspiring and innovative theater activities in both Greenland and Denmark. The initiative originates from the Nordic Theater Laboratory – Odin Teatret.
The Corvus Corax 20XX aims to leave artistic and human traces for posterity in the form of a collaboration between theaters, locals and international researchers. The partnership aims to create an artistic, cultural and scientific impact to promote a stronger and renewed cultural connection between Greenland and Denmark. This will be done through four different efforts over a 4-year period:
1. Artistic collaboration: Locally based and inclusive festival formats in both, Greenland and Denmark.
2. Performances: Circulation of performances from both theaters in Greenland and Denmark.
3. Corvus Corax Lab: Performing arts laboratory for cultural barter and performing arts development.
4. Building new partnerships: Partnerships that will ensure sustainable cooperation after four years.