SOCIACT (Social Acting) is a multilateral project carried out by 6 partners from 5 EU countries, namely Greece, Portugal, Denmark, Poland and Romania. The central idea is to prepare, implement and evaluate 5 learning activities in the respective local communities of the partners in order to highlight good practices applied in the field of the so-called Social Theater, i.e. the exploitation of dramatic art for social purposes and for the benefit of weak individuals and marginalized social groups.
It also aims to improve the actor’s profession and to encourage them to actively participate in social entrepreneurship actions and in the sector of solidarity economy. The study visits will involve a number of people from the theater sector who are experienced or sensitized in societal matters and human offer to individuals or groups that are on the verge of social exclusion such as elderly, deaf, blind, people with learning disabilities or behavioral difficulties, hospitalized, etc.). The learning activities will be organized in partnership with local associated partners and stakeholders from all partner communities, who are active in drama, cultural and social sectors.
The working methods to be applied make use of elements of the socio-cultural theory of learning, emphasizing human relationships, physical objects and cultures. Knowledge acquisition will take place in cooperative environments, through knowledge-tool parallels, but also through discussions and the joint implementation of activities.
The expected results will be the mapping of ways in approaching socially excluded groups through the tools offered by dramatic art, the acquisition of new teaching and operational skills of the participants in the provisional study visits, the widening of the fields of professional or voluntary activity of the professional or student actors and the creation of new or improved social services of partners and associated entities.
The content and results of the study visits together with a variety of documentation of the project’s complementary actions will be presented in an Activity Report. This product will be available on Web and will be the primary promotional material to be used in the following activities related to dissemination, exploitation and multiplication of project’s outputs. The partners intend to continue their co-operation after the end of the project by creating an active network on Social Theater that will promote actors’ mobility and application of the identified good practices’ activities and they will take steps to further expansion of it.
— Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium (Denmark)
— Koinvnikh Synetairistikh Epixeirhsh Pramata Kai Uamata (Greece, Applicant association)
— Modernoi Kairoi (Greece)
— Associação Portuguesa De Formação De Actores Para Cinema E Televisão
— Stowarzyszenie Edukacyjnio – Spoleczno – Kulturalne Teatr Brama (Poland)
— Asociata Cultruala Replika (Romania)