“For children, young people and enthusiastic adults!”

Unicorns’ Academy  is an invitation to get out of the daily rhythm, to fill the present time with good energy and spirit of play. The Unicorn represents the freedom to express yourself freely and fantastically, exercising the ability to dream.

The Academy is an opportunity where the children can develop their motor and communicative skills, their autonomy and imagination. Inspiring self-confidence and providing a safe atmosphere through entertaining games, the unicorns encourage the young generations to find their own voice and show their personalities.

Unicorns’ Academy will be developed inside 4 main axis:

  1. Preparation: Playing with the rhythm
  2. Dancing and singing
  3. Exploration with flags, balls and jumps 
  4. Visual/abstract imaginary and its concrete representation

Together with the participants we will have the opportunity to awaken and stimulate their creativity and curiosity through physical-motor activities, group work, awareness training and perception of the space.

  • First axis: Playing with the rhythm.

The aim is to explore and develop basic musical skills by teaching one choreography based on a musical piece.

Jumping and stepping progressively fast according to the rhythm, dancing and clapping in a specific musical moment, moving all together holding hands, changing direction at a specific musical moment, and also singing at the same time, are the goals of this workshop.

  • Second axis: Dancing and singing

 The purpose is the development of rhythm, hearing, and authentical voice through simple vocal dynamic proposals and world traditional songs. This work will lead into an integral embodied use of the voice.

  • Third axis: Flags, balls and jumps.

 The goal is to create a motor understanding in the children, inside of a new setting. The actions of throwing, catching and grabbing, will be explored through the use of balls, flags and objects that we use in different ways. Eye contact and body language reading will be developed as well. 

  • Fourth axis: Visual/abstract imaginary and its concrete representation

Through diverse fine arts principles and exercises, the children will develop a sensible visual appreciation, an embodied apprehension resulting in a concrete representation. By these means, the children will work on their fine motor skills, sensible awareness, connection and in the empowerment of their own authentic self. 

*The workshop’s characteristics and times can be adjusted to the needs of the working space and group. 

*Suitable for all ages.



May. Greenland

  • April. Trivselshuset Boligselskabet. 
  • June. Street Food Festival Holstebro
  • June. Landsskuet
  • August. Street Food Festival Herning
  • August. Kulturmødet Mors. 
  • October. Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium
  • November. Skave Skole 
  • November. Greenland. Schools in Nuuk. 
  • April – May. Nørrelandskirkens Børnehus. 
  • July. Trivselshuset Boligselskabet. 


Information coming soon

Information coming soon